July means new beginnings in Rotary; moving on to new challenges and successes under new leadership. It means learning from what we have achieved and striving to match or exceed those goals as we move forward.
In 2023-24, District Governor David Kirkaldy from the Cayman Islands, led the District under a theme which meant a great deal to him personally – ‘Create Hope in the World.’ In his own words of thanks:
“you have worked so hard to ‘Create Hope in the World’ this past Rotary year. Our District, rich in diversity and culture, always shows the true spirit of Rotary. Your projects, big and small, have left an indelible mark in your communities, and it is because of your unwavering commitment that we have achieved so much as District 7020 this year.”
Clubs in the District – 93 clubs spread across 10 countries in the northern Caribbean – came together with enthusiasm to support the DG’s request for deeper assistance with Mental Health challenges; support for schools via literacy and basic education; planting trees and environmental protection; health care initiatives, including diabetes screening, vision screening and blood drives; and by no means least but last here – a year of incredible fellowship, the deep root of Rotary.
District 7020 is close family, despite being spread over thousands of miles of blue ocean. Welcoming a new District Governor, is like simply passing the baton to another family member! So it was this year. DG David introduced her:
“As I hand over the leadership of our district to Dominique Bazin of the Rotary Club of Petion-Ville Sud in Haiti, I am confident that our district will continue to thrive under her leadership. Dominique brings a wealth of experience, a deep commitment to service, and a vision for the future that will keep us moving to new heights …”
DG 2024-25 Dominique Bazin from Haiti, brings increased focus on that beautiful, troubled country. Following along with RI President Stephanie Urchick’s theme ‘The Magic of Rotary’, DG Dominique supports her emphasis on the ‘magic’ of Rotary being the collective power of Rotarians to create significant and lasting impacts, locally and globally. She asks D7020 Rotarians to
‘unite under our District 7020 slogan – 10 countries together in Rotary solidarity for the 2024-2025 term, working to foster positive peace.’
During her year, DG Dominique will inevitably point a powerful spotlight on Haiti and also on D7020’s HANWASH programme, which is, commune by commune, creating a better future for Haitians by providing Water, Sanitation and Hygiene initiatives, eventually to the entire country.
You can help us to achieve our audacious goal by supporting our efforts. Your donation whether large or small WILL make a difference.